UNDP Platform-way-of-working
Welcome to the UNDP’s and DDC’s platform-way-of-working toolkit
This toolkit is the backbone of the transformation process of moving from project orientation towards a platform-way-of-working developed and tested in collaboration with UNDP and 40+ country offices. In combination with our introductions on governance, leadership, and learning, it allows an organization to change the mindset and imagine an early platform prototype.
Note that a part of the toolkit is based on tools from the Platform Design Toolkit team, developed by Boundaryless Srl, to whom we would like to extend a special thanks for their work. This re-use is made possible because they have chosen to publish their work under a Creative Commons BY-SA International 4.0 license, which is identical to the default license used here at the DDC, hence the license under which this Platform-way-of-working toolkit is published.
The license means that you are free to use it, change it, and exploit it for whichever purpose you like (also commercial) as long as you give credit to DDC, UNDP, and original developers mentioned above (whenever noted on each tool canvas). You also have to use the same Creative Commons BY-SA license on your derivative work.
Before you get started
Download the facilitator guide for the whole toolkit here.
The Toolkit

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