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Designing for Action

We have the capacity to build a better future

Let's get started

How do we keep up in a world undergoing fundamental changes at a speed we’ve only just begun to understand the implications of?

We need genuinely sustainable innovation because it requires us to think and act in new ways. That’s precisely what design can help us do and why we’re here. 

Using design as a method and mindset, we work with private and public companies and organizations to focus their innovation efforts by enabling them to do what designers do best: expand their perspectives and zoom in on the needs of humans, societies, and our planet.

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Bryghuspladsen 8
BLOX, 2. floor
1473 Copenhagen
CVR 3699 4126


Dyrehavevej 116
Design School Kolding
6000 Kolding
CVR 3699 4126

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