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No one left behind:
How do we build infrastructure for a circular future we haven’t yet imagined?

28 October 2021
16:00 – 17:15
Date October 28, 2021
Time 16:00 – 17:15
Event type Conference
Price Free
Location Online
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What are the challenges involved in developing and collaborating on our future sustainable transport infrastructure?

The panelists will discuss the critical role of infrastructure in a just circular society and the roles of the public and private sectors in managing systems that will outlive us.

The event is part of a series of events that we co-host this fall: ‘Designing the Irresistible Circular Society’. 

The eight events explore how we ensure a sustainable future and how our buildings and cities will be created and by whom? Which values and materials will characterize our society today and tomorrow? Building a circular economy in the built environment is high on the agenda. 

This series addresses the ‘how to’s’ through eight events in the format of Science Talks and Debates where we engage city planners, policy makers, decision makers, clients, investors, and users; present the latest research and experiences and ask the tough question: How do we create the irresistible circular society?


  • Tom Casey, Head of Pavements, Construction Materials & Innovation Network Management, Transport Infrastructure Ireland
  • Russell Saltmarsh, Project Design Director, Metroselskabet
  • Simon Kjær Andersen, Center for Public Policy, Copenhagen University
  • Gert Didriksen von der Ahé, Director of Technology, The Danish Road Directorate

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