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Analysis: Danish designers, do we have a problem?

25. Mar 2021

Danish design agencies (still) struggle to clarify what value they create for clients. That’s one of the conclusions in a new survey by the DDC. The survey sheds light on the biggest challenges the industry faces.


DDC – the Danish Design Center recently asked what challenges the Danish design agencies deem most critical to overcoming in the future. 

47 design agencies responded and painted a clear picture:

  • The landscape of Danish design agencies is dominated by many small and a few larger agencies
  • In their own words, Danish design agencies often struggle to  make the value they create for their clients clear and fail to seize new opportunities and potentials
  • There is a self-perception of Danish design as top tier in the world. In contrast to this, only 20% of the agencies surveyed have more than 70% international customers implying that  Danish design agencies work mostly with Danish companies on Danish solutions

This leaves a few, central challenges:

  • How do we change the Danish design business from mainly national to mainly international? And should we?
  • How do we create a culture for Danish design agencies that leads to international success?
  • How do we mobilize our capabilities and place ourselves at the core of transforming industries and solving societal challenges?

Download the survey (in Danish)

Christina Melander

Director of Digital Transition

Phone +45 2946 2922
Social LinkedIn

Any ideas on how to go about this?

Christina Melander is all ears

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