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From Ethical Awareness to an Ethical Manifest

Ethics is and always has been an important part of Danish company Konfront’s DNA. But after working with the Digital Ethics Compass, they have gained a common language for ethics and are now working towards launching their own digital ethic manifest

The Results: Let’s launch a manifest!

Even though Konfront has always integrated ethics in their everyday work, after working with the Digital Ethics Compass they’re now:

  • Aware of how they commercially act ethically in the development of new solutions when using data
  • Mindful that the company will not have as much contact with their customers in the future, which means that they need to design solutions that guide the users to use the platform in the right way
  • Dedicated to launching a manifest of how to work ethically. The manifest will not only be available for Konfront’s customers and users but also work as a guideline for all employees, whether they work with development, communication, sale, or technical support

“The course gave us a common language and sharpened our consciousness of ethical dilemmas, which we will take with us in our work going forward when we develop new solutions”

Anne Kristine Schwartzbach

Founder and CEO, Konfront

The Challenge: Staying close while letting go

Konfront’s solution is targeted at professionals who work with mentally challenged humans. They specialize in digital solutions for vulnerable children and young people and the question of ethics is embedded in many facets of the company.

Today, Konfront ensures the use of their platform through an introduction that includes both digital onboarding and consulting assistance. As they expand, the employees will to a lesser extent be able to physically take the customers by the hand and guide them, but probably rather introduce and train them digitally. Thus, the company is now looking at how they can design a platform that guides the user, also ensuring that they use new features in the right way when assessing children’s mental health.

“There must be very clear guidance for those who use Konfront’s platforms, in order to ensure that the product is used correctly and that the users of the solution do not risk making the situation more harmful for the vulnerable young people. For example, it is crucial that we must convey that this solution is not a treatment tool, but a screening tool. The solution should guide the professionals to make a more qualified and targeted intervention,” explains Anne Kristine Schwartzbach, Founder and CEO, Konfront

“We must act carefully in the way we use data, otherwise it has the potential to do more harm than good”

Anne Kristine Schwartzbach

Founder and CEO, Konfront

The Approach: Testing, testing, testing

Like eight other digital SMEs, Konfront participated in a course where they worked intensely with the Digital Ethics Compass and examined which digital dilemmas and ethical solutions they should work with, within the development of their latest screening tool Konfront IT.

The purpose of Konfront IT is to help professionals screen and categorize the individual student’s mental challenges and thereby offer the right guidance or treatment.

“We have always had a common understanding of where the company should go purely ethically, but we have been made aware of how we continue to remain conscious when we make ethical choices in our development – both when we develop new solutions or when new employees are joining the team,” explains Anne Kristine Schwartzbach about their experience working with the Digital Ethics Compass.

We developed the Digital Ethics Compass in collaboration with digital strategist Peter Svarre, three design partners – the agencies 1508, Charlie Tango, and Acceleration (previously Flip.Studio) and three front-runner companies: Corti, Holo, and Danske Bank. Throughout the process, we had an advisory board to discuss with and set direction.

After the initial version of the tool was developed, we invited nine Danish SMEs to work with the tool during a number of workshops facilitated by one of the design partners. For example, the digital design agency Charlie Tango facilitated the process with Konfront. Based on the feedback on those workshops, we adjusted the tool further and launched the final version of the Digital Ethics Compass in December 2021.

You can try it right here and always reach out to us if you’re interested in a workshop or tailored course – both in Danish and English.

About Konfront

Konfront offers digital solutions for special teachers and educators that increase the mental well-being of children and young people. Their solution combines evidence-based cognitive therapy with virtual reality to help professionals with the support and guidance of children and young people with mental challenges.

Founded 2018
Employees 10

About the Digital Ethics Compass

In collaboration with digital strategist Peter Svarre, we initiated the project with the support of the Industry Foundation. We invited design agencies to facilitate learning courses with nine Danish SMEs. 

The Digital Ethics Compass is sponsored by DI – Danish Industry. The aim is to create a national initiative that guides and encourages all companies to actively take a position on how they relate to topics like data, technology, and user involvement.

Christina Melander

Director of Digital Transition

Phone +45 2946 2922
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