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Mission Launch:
Mission 30 for 2030 – A Circular Direction for Denmark

28 April 2022
Date April 28, 2022
Time 16:00-17:00
Event type Conference
Price Free
Location Lokomotivværkstedet, Copenhagen
Sign up here

Join us at LOOP for a panel debate and the launch of our Mission 30 for 2030 – a shared direction for our future circular society

*The event is in Danish

What do you think a (more) circular Denmark looks and feels like? How are we citizens, consumers, businesses, and scientists in a circular society?

We lack a shared direction for Denmark’s becoming an irresistible circular society in 2030. The shift to a circular society is an urgently needed change. Otherwise, we will not achieve the government’s goal of reducing our CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2030. But the existing ambitions are not high enough.

That is why we at DDC are launching Mission 30 for 2030. We are in the process of setting a circular direction for Denmark – and enabling us all to act on it.

Mission launch and panel debate

The mission launches at LOOP – a cross-sector platform and two-day open conference about circular solutions. As the closing event on the main stage on April 28, we host a panel debate (participants TBA) and present our final Mission 30 for 2030.

We also invite anyone to visit our physical circularity lab at our booth (April 27 and 28, 2022). Here, you can mix your irresistible circular society. What ingredients do you think we need to make the transition? Our goal is to inspire and motivate decision-makers across society to join the circular direction, start inspiring dialogues and take action.

Sign up for LOOP here.

Our mission method

We have an excellent strategic starting point for the transition to a circular economy in Denmark. Knowledge and capacity, political goodwill, and companies with the courage to make a difference. But to go circular, something fundamental is missing. We’re talking about a shared direction visualizing how our irresistible circular society looks in 2030.

"The direction of the mission is not a single unified endpoint, but an intent: A sense of the future we strive to reach. We need a multi-dimensional and empathic perspective of the future to act proactively on it in the present – be it as citizens, policy-makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, or managers"

Julie Hjort

Program Director, DDC

That’s why we bring together 30 critical persons across business, science, research, education, and civil society to create a shared circular mission for 2030. With the mission, we’ll:

  • Present new and tangible knowledge on what it means to live in a circular society
  • Inspire and motivate to action for everyone – decision-makers as well as consumers
  • Offer a starting point for a new and binding conversation about how we can accelerate the circular transition

Industriens Fond supports our mission work.

Our 30 excellent partners are:

Explore Our Circular Work

Here at DDC, we believe that humans are both willing and able to imagine and realize solutions for the greater good when given the opportunity and the capacity.

That’s why we bring companies, organizations, educational institutions, citizens, and policy-makers together to explore, build and test new solutions that move us towards a greener future. Not just because sustainability is good business, but because meeting human, societal, and environmental needs is good value.

Read more about our circular work here

Julie Hjort

Director of Sustainable Transition

Phone +45 2575 8933
Social LinkedIn

Do you want to join our mission?

Gry Brostrøm

Mission Driver

Phone +45 3115 8670
Social LinkedIn

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