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New Nordic Partnership to Accelerate the Green Transition

29. Jun 2023

We’re launching a new partnership with a range of Nordic actors in design and architecture. We aim to increase understanding of how both professions can contribute to the green transition and sustainable value creation in the Nordics and internationally

Quick insight

“I’m thrilled that DDC is joining forces with our Nordic colleagues in this new partnership to stress the crucial role and importance of design and architecture in the transition to a sustainable society – in ways that benefit both businesses and the public sector,” says Monica Maria Moeskær, Program Director and Cities Lead at DDC – Danish Design Center.

The idea for the network arose when Norwegian Minister of Business Jan Christian Vestre met the Icelandic Minister of Culture and Business Lilja Alfreðsdóttir in Oslo in 2022. They will both be on stage at the World Congress of Architects on July 5, 2023, to mark the beginning of the partnership. Karin Svanborg-Sjövall, State Secretary to Sweden’s Minister of Culture, is also participating.

Stronger together

Christian Bason, CEO of DDC, believes that the Nordic partnership will be a significant strength:

“We share societal values and common advantages that we can build on. At the same time, there are differences between the countries that mean we can learn from each other. We are stronger as a joint market in the international arena.”

After the official launch of the partnership, the next step is to map the existing ecosystem for design and architecture and create a shared vision and direction.

Will reach politicians and decision-makers

Moreover, we want to raise public awareness about the importance of creative industries in making sustainable shifts in the Nordics and internationally. The goal is for politicians and decision-makers to better understand design and architecture’s role in the green transition.

“We believe this will lead to better and more sustainable solutions and services, which will be positive for residents in and outside the Nordic region,” says Monica Maria Moeskær, Program Director and Cities Lead at DDC.

The Nordic network will be launched at the UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 in Copenhagen on July 5 at 1.30 PM.

The Nordic Network for Design and Architecture

The following actors are behind the network:

In addition, we have obtained valuable input from, among others: Form/Design Center, Sveriges Arkitekter, SVID, Svensk Form, SAFA, Designinfo, the Association of Architects, NAL, the Architects’ Association, and the Danish Design Council.

About the UIA Congress

The Union of International Architects (UIA) holds the World Congress of Architects every three years. For the first time, the congress takes place in the Nordic region as a collaboration between Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. The Nordic pavilion at the UIA Congress is a collaboration between the Nordic architectural associations and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Monica Maria Moeskær

Cities Lead (on maternity leave)

Phone +45 4056 0076
Social LinkedIn

Do you have questions about the network?

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