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Industrial Heritage as an Engine for Innovation and Urban Transformation

CENTRINNO is a four-year EU-project that focuses on transforming industrial historical sites into productive city neighborhoods and hubs while staying true to the social, cultural and ecological challenges of our time

This project is a part of our theme
Green transition

This project works in pilots covering cultural realities across nine European cities with the Copenhagen pilot being centered in the Northwest industrial area. CENTRINNO aims at developing strategies and methodologies for regenerating historical sites and boosting an innovative urban economy.

The Challenge: Decay of industrial heritage in European cities

Globalization and increased urbanization has had a major impact on European cities’ former industrial areas. The neighbourhoods are being gentrified an standardardised in ways that overlook the value of social diversity and creative urban environments, leading many sites to fall into decay. 

The Copenhagen pilot is focused on the Northwest area, a former industrial area that has long been known as a diverse, working class neighbourhood. However, rising prices and the deterioration of the industrial heritage has resulted in the disappearance of many low-income groups and smaller craft- and production-based businesses, with subsequent decrease in manufacturing jobs and public life.

CENTRINNO aims to tackle these challenges by looking at how cultural and industrial heritage can transform these sites in order to showcase their potential as cultural landscapes that fosters socio-economic and sustainable identities.

The Approach: Using design methods as a catalyst for urban change

In collaboration with 26 consortium partners, the DDC contributes to the CENTRINNO mission by rethinking the future development of industrial areas. We develop design-driven approaches, strategies, business models and tools that enable clear ways to use industrial heritage as an engine for generating value on a local level.

Furthermore, DDC facilitates co-creation workshops that test tools for exploring the importance of heritage and disseminates the knowledge outcomes from the processes, making them readily available for future city development projects.

In close cooperation with the Copenhagen Municipality, DDC contributes to the pilot in Northwest through initiatives that engage a broad range of stakeholders and the local community. Together, we explore how we through citizen and actor involvement can support and strengthen the area’s creative entrepreneurship, small artisan production, and cultural identity.

This project works on realizing the following actions

  • Proximity to manufacturing
  • Borderless solutions
  • Collective Action
  • New Story
  • Courage

About the project

CENTRINNO is funded by EU Horizon2020. The project started in September 2020 and runs until February 2024.

If you are curious to read more about the CENTRINNO project and upcoming events read more here.

See all project partners here.

Cecilie Bang Schulze

Urban Transition Lead

Phone +45 2618 6306
Social LinkedIn

Are you interested in learning more about CENTRINNO?

Reach out to Cecilie

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Bryghuspladsen 8
BLOX, 2. floor
1473 Copenhagen
CVR 3699 4126


Dyrehavevej 116
Design School Kolding
6000 Kolding
CVR 3699 4126

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