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Meet our Board

Get to know our seven board members here. They’re great, and we’re thankful they want to work with us

Our Board of Directors meets at least four times a year. It is their job to set our direction with us and ensure that we follow our strategy. Some of the latest big decisions were defining our 2020-2025 strategy, focusing on mission-oriented innovation by design, and our shift to becoming a self-leading organization.

All our members are considered independent.

Chair Camilla Haustrup Hermansen

Deputy CEO, Director of Business Development, Plus Pack

Born: 15.12.1973

Appointed in 2020, current term expires in 2026

Other duties:

Appointed by the Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs

Deputy Chairman Thomas Graversen

Owner, Fredericia Furniture A/S

Born: 24.1.1962

Appointed in 2020, the current term expires in 2026

Other duties:

Appointed by The Confederation of Danish Industry

Board Member Lotte Lyngsted Jepsen

Co-founding partner and user specialist, Kirk, Hatch & Bloom

Born: 12.10.1977

Appointed in 2020, the current term expires in 2026

Other duties:

Appointed by Design Denmark

Board Member Lene Tanggard

Principal, Design School Kolding

Born: 8.7.1973

Appointed in 2020, the current term expires in 2026

Other duties:

Appointed by the board of DDC

Ditte Lysgaard Vind

Board Member Ditte Lysgaard Vind

Founder, The Circular Way

Born: 5.3.1987

Appointed in 2022, current term expires 2026

Other duties:

Appointed by The Danish Design Council

Thomas Madsen-Mygdal

Co-founder & CEO, TwentyThree

Born: 1.8.1977

Appointed in 2023, current term expires in 2026

Other duties:

  • Klub Kbh, Founder & Chairman
  • Danish Design Council, Fellow
  • Techfestival, Initiator & Chairman
  • #CPHFTW, Co-founder and board member

Designated by Design Denmark and the Danish Design Council

Henriette Søltoft

Henriette Søltoft

Deputy Director, DI

Born: 11.8.1967

Appointed in 2024, the current term expires in 2026

Other duties:

Appointed by The Confederation of Danish Industry

Andreas Rahlf Hauptmann

Deputy Director General, Danish Business Authority
Born: 14.02.1979
Appointed in 2024, the current term expires in 2026

The board consists of seven to eight members appointed for three years. Re-election of board members can take place. The members of the board elect their chairman and deputy chairman.


The Minister of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs appoints two members. One member must be commercially active in a significant Danish, international company. One member must know the Danish business promotion system.

DI – The Confederation of Danish Industry appoints two board members. The two members must have a business background from small and large international companies.

The Danish Design Council and Design Denmark each appoint one board member. The members must have specific experience within the design industry or design activity.

A board member can be appointed by the other board members. The member must have competencies in research related to design and innovation.

The board continuously assesses and determines which competencies it must have to carry out its tasks as best as possible. If the board finds a significant lack of competence in the composition of the board, the members take the initiative to change the composition.


Unless the DDC’s articles of association or legislation prescribe a more significant majority, the board is competent to make decisions when more than half of the members are present. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

The board office is personal, and the board member is not subject to instructions from the person who appointed the person concerned. The board member must at all times look after the interests of DDC within the framework of the legislation and the fund’s articles of association.


A board member may not participate in the processing of questions about agreements between the foundation and himself/herself, about lawsuits against him/herself, or about agreements between the fund and third parties or lawsuits against third parties if he/she has a significant interest therein, that may conflict with the fund’s interests. 

Every board member must inform the other board members of any issue that may give rise to questions regarding the board member’s competence. The same rules apply to the CEO of the fund.


Board members are paid a fixed fee. The board’s chairman is remunerated with DKK 60,000 annually, the deputy chairman with DKK 45,000 annually, and ordinary members with DKK 30,000 annually. Members can choose to waive remuneration for board work.

Evaluation of the board’s work

Once a year, the board evaluates its work and the contribution and results of the chairman and the individual members. The evaluation is carried out every two years by an external evaluator.

The board follows the recommendations for good fund management 2023. Read the recommendations for good fund management from 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

You can read about our Advisory Board

And read more about DDC here.

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Bryghuspladsen 8
BLOX, 2. floor
1473 Copenhagen
CVR 3699 4126


Dyrehavevej 116
Design School Kolding
6000 Kolding
CVR 3699 4126

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